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My conferences and meetups presentations

Recovering from burnout Speaker

11 Oct 2020 at PyCode Conference


At PyCode Conference 2020.

Burnout is a real thing. But is it really dangerous, if yes – in what ways? Software engineers work under pressure, often frustrated. Is it already a burnout or just excess of stress? We often work from home or take work to home. Is a lifestyle or maybe a workplace environment the cause of burnout? How to recognise first signs of burnout? And the most important, how to recover from it and prevent from happening again? You will find answers to those questions in this presentation, based on research and my personal story.

Przegląd języków programowania Speaker

at WiT Krk

Kraków, PL

I was invited to celebrate 10th Women in Technology Poland’s Kraków birthday and to give a presentation: “Overview of programming languages ​​in terms of ease of learning”.

Startups & technology workshop series Speaker

Nov 2016 at Startup Week

Kraków, PL

Startup Week 2016 is a series of workshops organized by Women in Technology that aim to introduce high school students to programming and building their own startups.

I led 2 workshops during the whole event:

SQL Database Structure and Design

Simplify your work and learn about Git as a modern, distributed version control system.

Simplify your work and learn about Git Speaker

Nov 2015 at Geek Week KRK #4

Kraków, PL

I gave the presentation and led a workshop for participants of the event.

Simplify your work and learn about Git as a modern, distributed version control system.

How to support women and their passion for technology Speaker

Jun 2015 at Lean in STEM conference


During the “Girls go STEM!” initiative I shared my view on “How to support women and their passion for technology” good practises.

I was also a youth group seminal trainer during that event.

Symfony framework Speaker

Oct 2014 at Day of Escape at Cracow University of Technology

Kraków, PL

I was invited to give a talk about Symfony framework during Day of Escape – internal Cracow University of Technology event.

Rapid web development with Symfony Speaker

Oct 2014 at Careercon Kariera IT Kraków

Kraków, PL

I led 2-hour workshop I called “Rapid web development with Symfony” for attendees of Carrer Conference in Cracow.

The Power of Events Speaker

Oct 2014 at WiT Krk

Kraków, PL

“The Power of Events” given at Women in Technology Kraków #5 meetup. A short reflection, a motivation speech I wanted to share with. The IT (and not only) events and its impact on your personal development and career.

Prostota i możliwości frameworka Symfony Speaker

Aug 2014 at WiT Krk

Kraków, PL

“The simplicity and capabilities of the Symfony framework” talk given on Women in Technology Kraków #3 event. Symfony as a set of autonomous and independent components, easy to learn and also widely customizable.