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Krakow Post Writer

Jan 2014

Kraków, PL

I am happy to spread the word about hack4good and an other great events.

Be a Hacking Hero!

If you are a web or mobile developer, you can change the world for the better by creating IT apps for needy causes. Come and join #hack4good! Krakow is hosting this international event among 50 cities world wide. The hackathon starts on Friday, February 7 at 7 pm and will run for 48 hours at Creativestyle’s office in Zabłocie, near Kazimierz.
#hack4good is a global event that focuses solely on uniting the world’s greatest expert engineers, designers, product builders, and entrepreneurs to help make the world a better place for everyone – from children to charities and the disabled alike.
One of the organisers in Krakow, said: “We’re working with global charities like Amnesty International, Oxam, NPR Labs as well as local charities like Unicorn, Stowarzyszenie Krwiodawcy, Krakowski Alarm Smogowy, Czarna Owca Pana Kota, Wawelska Kooperatywa Społeczna and Mam Marzenie. They know the problems people in need have, and we are going to try to solve those problems. We believe we can help – that the technology we use can change and save lives.”
The event will be connected with other cities and live-streamed through Spreecast 24h. There will be experts and mentors available to help with challenging problems. Thanks to API partners, there will be services and platforms available to use for free. Sponsors will provide food, drinks and snacks for developers. The event will end with a prize-giving on Sunday evening – the hardest work must be rewarded.

Natalia Stanko; January 30, 2014;