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Mentoring program Mentor

Dec 2018 - Apr 2019 at Tech Leaders


I met Natalia in “IT Leaders” program, where she was my mentor. First thing we did together was sketching the plan for my career path in IT industry and then we started executing it. Natalia helped me improve my programming skills and broaden my technical knowledge, moreover she provided significant mental support through all hard moments and helped me gain self-confidence. Nowadays I am working as a Web Developer and Natalia is huge part of that success.

Z. Lorys

Mentoring program Mentor

Nov 2014 - Feb 2015 at Learn IT, Girl


I’ve met Natalia when I was a tech newbie, and the IT world was extremely overwhelming. She explained to me how this world works, where to start, and how to prioritize my work. That was something I really needed. Hard work and conscientiousness made Natalia a great specialist. But her openness, empathy, and patience help her to be an effective mentor. At last, I got my first job in IT as C++ programmer and I strongly believe that Natalia was a great part of that success.

K. Lizak

Mentoring group Mentor

Sep 2013 - Nov 2014 at Women in Technology

Kraków, PL

I was a member of Women in Technology coding group mentored by Natalia. Throughout the year, Natalia prepared our work schedule and resources, organised venues for our coding sessions and mentored our projects. For me, the project was a web app using Ruby on Rails. Thanks to Natalia and her continuous excellent feedback, I started off with very little knowledge of Rails and ended up building a functional web app deployed on Heroku. In my experience, Natalia has been a wonderful teacher and mentor. Additionally, I attended several events linked to Women in Technology and Google for Enterpreneurs, which Natalia organized, co-organized or otherwise facilitated.

A. Samonek

Workshop group Mentor

Sep 2013 - Nov 2014 at Webmuses

Kraków, PL

Natalia mentored me when I was taking my first steps in the programming world. I also know her as Women in Technology event organizer. She was one of the people that inspired me to go after a career in IT. Natalia has excellent communication and organizational skills. She’s a skilled programmer, a great motivator and a wonderful teacher all in one person.

A. Borzemska